Have you lost confidence while on parental leave?

If you are feeling low in confidence on parental leave or after returning to work, you’re not alone. Taking an extended break from work for any reason can result in a loss of confidence in both men and women, with 42% of women experiencing a loss in confidence after returning from a break. But why does it happen, and what can you do about it?

You might be feeling excited about being back at work; you’ve missed your colleagues and you’re happy to be feeding that other part of your identity that craves time to be you and do what you do well. But you have this overwhelming feeling that you won’t be up to your role anymore. That you have forgotten what to do and will let your colleagues and clients down by not performing as well as you did before your leave. You’ve lost your confidence.

We share confidence boosting tips and exercises to help you regain your confidence and overcome self-doubt. We look at how we gain confidence and why we lose it on parental leave, then how to make positive changes in our lives to regain our confidence.

As you might still be on parental leave when completing this course, it's designed for busy parents - we know how hard it is to find time to do even the simplest tasks when you have children around. The bite sized lessons and downloadable worksheets are designed to make it easy to complete around even the busies work and family life.

What will we cover on this course?

The good news is that confidence is not an innate characteristic and there are ways we can develop it over time. This course will share some hints and tips to do just that.

  • How do we develop confidence?

  • How we boost our skills while on parental leave

  • Identifying and overcoming self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs

  • How to manage our mindset and challenge negative thoughts

  • The importance of support in building self-confidence

  • Building resilience ready for challenging times

  • Developing healthy habits and time for self-care

  • Developing your professional image

  • The importance of gravitas when you return to work

  • Boosting your visibility and reputation at work

How does it work?

  • Sign up today for immediate access

    Sign up for the course and receive your welcome email and immediate access to the whole course.

  • You lead the pace

    Work through the course in your own time, at the pace that works for you. You can dip in and out as fits in with your work and home life.

  • Life time access

    You have life time access to the course so you will have ongoing support through your parental leave and return to work. You can revisit lessons as and when you need them.

About The Maternity Coach

The Maternity Coach was founded by Frances Cushway, a licenced registered Career Coach who specialises in supporting women to return to work following parental leave and continue to thrive in their careers. Frances has a Postgraduate certificate in Career and Talent Management and a degree in Psychology. She is a Registered Career Development Professional with the CDI where she was a finalist for Career Coach of the Year 2018, 2021 and 2022 for her work with mothers on maternity leave. She offers a unique coaching experience that brings together the psychology of becoming a parent with the practicality of planning the return to work that is right for you and your family. The Maternity Coach's mission is to support parents through parental leave and their return to work; to help them rediscover who they are and what they want from their career after parental leave and give them the courage and tools to return to work with confidence so they can continue to make their unique contribution to the world.
Frances Cushway, The Maternity Coach, standing outside in the countryside

What do people say about The Maternity Coach courses?

Build confidence


"Fantastic course, exploring real life concerns about getting back into work after maternity leave. Allowed a safe and inviting space to discuss concerns and build confidence."

Help develop my confidence


"I felt the course has helped me develop and build confidence about going back to work. It's given me the reassurance I was previously lacking about going back to work being a positive thing for me and my family. It has helped with the anxieties I had about work and flipped them into me being positive about going back."

Absolutely enjoyed this course


"I absolutely enjoyed this course! It is very well thought out and thorough. The content of this course is amazing. It enforces my knowledge and cover the things I didn’t think of earlier. This course is extremely helpful. Thank you so much!"


  • Who is this course aimed at?

    This course is aimed at anyone who has become a mother, however that may happen, who feels they have lost confidence while on parental leave or after returning to work. Depending on the questions you have or the support you specifically need, you can take from the course what is most helpful to you.

  • Will I have time to do this, I have a baby.

    This course is designed so you can dip in and out of it, so even if you have 10 minutes here and there to grab a cup of tea and complete a lesson you will benefit from it. It is structured in bite-sized lessons to fit in with busy work and family lives.

  • How long do I have access to this course?

    You will have lifetime access to it and to any updates we make. So you can come back and revisit the content whenever you need it.

  • Can I get help when on the course?

    If you need any help while completing the course, please drop us an email at [email protected]

Frances' career coaching support has appeared on

Radio 5 Live
BBC Surrey and Sussex
Politix and Chill
Independent school parent magazine

Boost your confidence for your return to work

Ready to say goodbye to self-doubt?